Criterion I: Curricular Aspects
Key Indicator 1.1 Curricular Planning And Implementation
Metric 1.1.1: The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process.
Metric 1.1.2: The institution adheres to the academic calendar including for the conduct of Continuous Internal Evaluation(CIE).
Key Indicator 1.2 Academic Flexibility
Metric 1.2.1:Number of elective/options courses offered by the institution during followed during last five years. Â
Key Indicator 1.3 Curriculum Enrichment
Metric 1.3.1: Institution integrates cross-cutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, constitutional and Human Values, Environment &Sustainability and other value framework enshrined in Sustainable
Development goals into the Curriculum.
Metric 1.3.2: Percentage of courses that include experiential learning through Moot Courts, seminar courses, Court visits, Arbitration/Mediation/Client Counseling Exercises, Para legal volunteering/ legal aid training, advocate chamber and internship in law firms/NGOs/Judicial Clerkships etc. during last five years.
Metric 1.3.3:Percentage of students undertaking Mediation/Client Counseling Exercises, and internship in law firms/NGOs/Judicial Clerkships etc. Percentage of students undertaking Mediation/Client Counseling Exercises, and internship in law firms/NGOs/Judicial Clerkships etc.
Metric 1.3.4:Number of certificate / value-added courses / Diploma Programmes offered by the institutions and online courses of MOOCs, SWAYAM / e_Pathshala/ NPTEL and other recognized platforms where the students of the institution have enrolled and successfully completedÂ
Key Indicator 1.4 Feedback System
Metric 1.4.1: Structured feedback for curriculum and its transactions is regularly obtained from stakeholders like Students, Teachers, Law firms, Judges, Sr. Counsels, Employers, Alumni, Civil Societies, Academic peers etc.Â
Criterion II: Teaching, Learning, and Evaluation
Key Indicator 2.1 Student Enrolment And Profile
Key Indicator 2.2 Catering to Student Diversity
Metric 2.2.1: The institution recognises multiple intelligences of students and creates policies and programs for all kinds of learners. The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organises special Programmes /policies for different levels of learners
Metric 2.2.2: Student- Full time teacher ratio
Key Indicator 2.3 Teaching Learning Process
Metric 2.3.1:Â Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences and teachers use ICT- enabled tools including online resources for effective teaching and learning process
Metric 2.3.2:The institution adopts effective schemes for mentoring students through teacher mentors and student mentors to address academics and student-psychological issues.Â
Key Indicator 2.4 Teacher Profile And Quality
Metric 2.4.1: Percentage of full time teachers appointed against the number of sanctioned posts.
Metric 2.4.2: Percentage of full time teachers with Ph. D./L.L.D. during the last five years
Metric 2.4.3: Average teaching experience of full time teachers
Metric 2.4.4:Percentage of full time teachers working in the institution throughout during the last five years
Key Indicator 2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms
Metric 2.5.1:Â Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency , mode andÂinnovation along with prevalence of mechanisms to deal with internal exam related grievances whichis transparent and time-bound.
Key Indicator 2.6 Student Performance And Learning Outcome
Metric 2.6.1:Â The institution has stated learning outcomes (Program and Course outcomes)/graduate attributesÂwhich are integrated into the assessment process and widely publicized through the website and otherÂdocuments and the attainment of the same are evaluated by the institution
Metric 2.6.2:Â Pass percentage of Students during last five years
Key Indicator 2.7 Student Statisfaction Survey
Metric 2.7.1:Student satisfaction survey regarding teaching learning process
Criterion III: Research, Innovation, and Extensions
Key Indicator 3.1 Resource Mobalization For Research
Metric 3.1.1:Â Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects / endowments in the institution during the last five years
Metric 3.1.2: Seminars/conferences/workshops conducted by the institution on Research methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Entrepreneurship, Skill development, Frontier/ contemporary areas researches in law and judicial trends etc. during the last five years
Metric 3.1.3:Â Funded Seminars/ Conferences /workshops
Key Indicator 3.2 Research Publication And Awards
Metric 3.2.1:ÂPercentage of teachers recognized as research guides.
Metric 3.2.2:ÂNumber of papers published per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last five years
Metric 3.2.3:ÂNumber of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/Âinternational conference proceedings per teacher during last five years
Key Indicator 3.3 Extension Activites
Metric 3.3.1: Institution’s Legal aid/community services and Outcomes of extension activities in the neighborhoodÂcommunity in terms of impact and sensitizing the students to social issues, holistic development, andÂawards received,
Metric 3.3.2:Â Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through NSS/NCC/Government and non-government bodies other clubs during the last five years
Metric 3.3.3: Students participating in Lokadaalat/Para Legal Volunteering/Pro-bono, PIL etc and the outcomes are evident.
Key Indicator 3.4 Collaboration
Metric 3.4.1:Â Number of functional MoUs / linkages with institutions/ Law firms/ industries in India and abroadÂfor internship, on-the-job training, project work, student / faculty exchange and collaborativeÂresearch during the last five years.
Criterion IV: Infrastructure and Learning Resources
Key Indicator 4.1 Physical Facilities
Metric 4.1.1: The Institution has adequate infrastructure facilities for a. teaching – learning, viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment etc b. ICT – enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS etc. Facilities for Cultural and sports activities, yoga centre, games (indoor and outdoor), Gymnasium, auditorium etc
Metric 4.1.2:Â Percentage of expenditure for infrastructure development and augmentation excluding salary during the last five years
Key Indicator 4.2 Library as a Learning resource
Metric 4.2.1:Â Library is automated with digital facilities using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS), adequate subscriptions to e-resources and journals are made. The library is optimally used by the faculty and students
Metric 4.2.2:ÂAverage annual expenditure for purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/e- journalsÂand legal databases during the last five years
Key Indicator 4.3 IT Infrastrutcure
Key Indicator 4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure
Metric 4.4.1:Â Percentage expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary component, during the last five years
4.4.2:Â There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic andÂsupport facilities – laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.
Criterion V: Student Support and Progression
Key Indicator 5.1 Student Support
Metric 5.1.1: Percentage of students benefited by scholarships /freeships by the institution, government and non-government bodies, industries, individuals, philanthropists during the last five years
Metric 5.1.2:ÂCapacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution
Metric 5.1.3: Efforts taken by the institution to provide career counseling including e-counseling and guidance for competitive examinations during the last five years.
Metric 5.1.4: The Institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases
Key Indicator 5.2 Student Progression
Metric 5.2.1:Â Percentage of placement of outgoing students during the last five years
Metric 5.2.2:ÂPercentage of Students enrolled with State Bar council.
Metric 5.2.3:ÂPercentage of students progressing to higher education during the last five years
Metric 5.2.4:ÂPercentage of students qualifying in state/national/ international level examinations during the lastÂfive years
Key Indicator 5.3 Student Participation and Activities
Metric 5.3.1:Â Number of awards/medals won by students for outstanding performance in sports/literary/culturalÂactivities/Moot court/arbitration competition/ Client counseling competition/Trail advocacy/MediationÂand negotiation competition/ Judgment writing competitions/Legislative drafting Competition.
Metric 5.3.2: Institution facilitates students’ representation and engagement in various administrative, cocurricularÂand extracurricular activities
Metric 5.3.3:ÂThe institution conducts /organizes following activitiesÂ1. Sports competitions/eventsÂ2.Cultural competitions/eventsÂ3. Technical fest/academic festsÂ4. Any other events through active clubs and forums
Key Indicator 5.4 Alumni Engagement
Metric 5.4.1:Â The Alumni Association/Chapters (registered and functional) contributes significantly to theÂdevelopment of the institution through financial and teaching, mentoring other support servicesÂduring the last five years.
Metric 5.4.2:ÂAlumni contribution during the last five years
Criterion VI: Governance, Leadership, and Management
Key Indicator 6.1 Institutional Vision and leadership
Metric 6.1.1:Â The Alumni Association/Chapters (registered and functional) contributes significantly to theÂdevelopment of the institution through financial and teaching, mentoring other support servicesÂduring the last five years.
Metric 6.1.2:ÂThe effective leadership is visible in various institutional practices such as decentralization andÂparticipative management.
Key Indicator 6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment
Metric 6.2.1:ÂThe institutional Strategic/ perspective plan is effectively deployed
Metric 6.2.2:ÂThe functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies,Âadministrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures, etc.
Metric 6.2.3:ÂImplementation of e-governance in areas of operationÂ1.AdministrationÂ2.Finance and AccountsÂ3.Student Admission and SupportÂ4.Examination
Key Indicator 6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies
Metric 6.3.1:ÂThe institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff.
Metric 6.3.2:ÂPercentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towardsÂmembership fee of professional bodies publication and other academic incentives during the last fiveÂyears.
Metric 6.3.3:ÂPercentage of teachers undergoing online/face-to-face Faculty development Programmes (FDP)Âduring the last five years
Metric 6.3.4:ÂInstitutions Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non-teaching staff.
Key Indicator 6.4 Faculty Management and Resource Mobilization
Metric 6.4.1:ÂInstitution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly.
Metric 6.4.2:ÂFunds / Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropers during the last fiveÂyears.
Metric 6.4.3:ÂInstitutional strategies for mobilisation of funds and the optimal utilisation of resources.
Key Indicator 6.5 Internal Quality Assurance Sysytem
Metric 6.5.1:ÂInternal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the qualityÂassurance strategies and processes
Metric 6.5.2:ÂThe institution reviews its teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations andÂlearning outcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC set up as per norms and recorded theÂincremental improvement in various activities.
Metric 6.5.3:ÂQuality assurance initiatives of the institution
Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices
Key Indicator 7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities
Metric 7.1.1:ÂInstitution has initiated Gender audit and measure for the promotion of gender equity
Metric 7.1.2:ÂThe Institution has facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures
Metric 7.1.3:ÂDescribe the facilities in the Institution for the management of degradable andÂnon-degradable waste
Metric 7.1.4:ÂWater conservation facilities available in the Institution
Metric 7.1.5:ÂGreen campus initiatives
Metric 7.1.6:ÂQuality audits on environment and energy are regularly undertaken by the institution
Metric 7.1.7:ÂThe Institution has Differently-abled (Divyangjan) friendly, barrier free environment
Metric 7.1.8:ÂThe Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment i.e., tolerance and harmonyÂtowards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal, socio-economic and such other diversities
Metric 7.1.9:ÂSensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations: values,Ârights, duties and responsibilities of citizens
Metric 7.1.10:ÂThe Institution has a prescribed code of conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff
Key Indicator 7.2 Best Practices
Metric 7.2.1:ÂTwo Best practices successfully implemented by the Institution
Key Indicator 7.3 Institutional distinctiveness
Metric 7.3.1:ÂPerformance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority and thrust within